Abionic’s nanotechnology is transforming today’s blood-testing standards by bringing laboratory quality to near-patient testing and simultaneously analysing up to 14 parameters from a single drop of blood, to provide actionable results in just 5 minutes.

By driving molecules into a nanochannel and limiting the travel distance to a few hundred nanometres, molecular interactions are accelerated rapidly. Thus, biomarker levels of e.g. antibodies and proteins can be efficiently quantified within an extremely short assay time, with high precision and accuracy on a closed, small and easy-to-operate platform.

Unparalleled technology offers patients the fastest point-of-care diagnostic testing solutions based on traditional immunoassays.

The revolutionary in vitro diagnostic (IVD) point-of-care platform
The abioSCOPE
First results within 5 minutes
abioSCOPE® provides highly accurate, actionable results at the point of care
Intuitive & easy to use
abioSCOPE® requires minimal training and its step-by-step on-screen process is designed for anyone to use
One drop of blood
All our tests are run with just a few μl of blood
abioSCOPE® does not require regular maintenance. Its corresponding IVD CAPSULES are factory-calibrated.
Seamless connectivity
Results are immediately and automatically transferred to the hospital information system and integrated into patient medical file.
Disposable capsule
Single-use capsules eliminate the risk of contamination and ensure maximum quality between runs
Fast. Easy. Reliable.
Designed for hospitals

The IVD CAPSULE PSP is a rapid, single-use in vitro diagnostic test for the quantitative measurement of pancreatic stone protein (PSP) in blood. The test is intended to be used in conjunction with other clinical assessments and laboratory findings to aid in the early detection of nosocomial sepsis in adults.

Assay Time (excl.incubation):
5 minutes
Sample volume:
50 μl
Measuring range:
20–600 ng/ml
Sample material:
K3/K2 EDTA or Li-heparin anticoagulated whole blood

The IVD CAPSULE D-Dimer is a single use, rapid in vitro diagnostic test for the quantitative measurement of D-Dimer in venous whole blood. The IVD CAPSULE D-Dimer is intended to be used in the aid in the diagnosis of venous thromboembolism (VTE) including deep vein thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism (PE) and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), in patients suspected of DVT, PE or DIC. D-Dimer testing is often ordered in the primary care and emergency room (ER) with symptoms of a serious condition (e.g., chest pain and difficulty in breathing).

Assay Time (excl.incubation):
5 minutes
Sample volume
50 μl
Analytical sensitivity:
212 ng/ml FEU
Measuring range:
212–1000 ng/ml FEU
Sample material:
Sodium citrate anticoagulated venous whole blood
COVID19 Settings
Designed for everybody

The IVD CAPSULE COVID-19 is a rapid, single-use in vitro diagnostic test that measures the presence of a specific SARS-CoV-2 viral antigen in nasopharyngeal or saliva sample. Abionic’s COVID-19 test allows for ultra-fast screening of COVID-19 patients at the point-of-care with lab quality results.

Assay Time:
2 minutes
Analytical performances:
  • 100%
  • 95.1% for Ct values <25
  • 93% for Ct values <30
  • 92.8%
Sample material:

The IVD CAPSULE PSP is a rapid, single-use in vitro diagnostic test for the determination of Pancreatic Stone Protein (PSP) in blood for the calculation of the cSOFA score at the point of care. The cSOFA score is used to assess the severity of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in adults.

Assay Time (excl.incubation):
5 minutes
Sample volume
50 μl
Analytical sensitivity:
20 ng/ml
Measuring range:
20–600 ng/ml
Sample material:
K3/K2 EDTA or Li-heparin anticoagulated whole blood
Designed for healthcare providers (HCP)

The IVD CAPSULE Ferritin is a rapid, single-use in vitro diagnostic test for the quantitative measurement of ferritin in capillary and venous whole blood, to aid blood diagnostic testing for iron deficiency in adults.

Assay Time (excl.incubation):
5 minutes
Sample volume:
50 μl
Analytical sensitivity:
20 ng/ml
Measuring range:
20–600 ng/ml
Sample material:
Li-heparin anticoagulated whole blood
IVD CAPSULE Aeroallergens

The IVD CAPSULE Aeroallergens is the first rapid, single-use in vitro diagnostic test for the quantitative determination of circulating immunoglobulin E (IgE) specific to the allergen components Phl p 1 + Phl p 5 (combined), Der p 1 + Der p 2 (combined), Alt a 1, Fel d 1 and Can f 1 in uncoagulated human capillary blood collected from the patient’s fingertip.

Assay Time:
12 minutes
Sample volume:
50 μl
Analytical sensitivity:
0.7 kUA/l
Measuring range: 0.7–100 kUA/l
0,7 à 100 kUA/l
Sample material:
uncoagulated capillary blood

Order now

Are you interested in having the abioSCOPE right at the bedside of your patients? We’d love to hear from you. Get in touch with us just below to request an offer!

Not all products are available in all countries and regions. Please contact info@abionic.com for availability in specific markets. Not available in the USA.